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Fans high five Antonio Gates as he heads into the Los Angeles Chargers training camp at the Jack Hammett Sports Complex in Costa Mesa, CA on Wednesday, August 2, 2017. Crystal Ramos, 22, of Norwalk, throws a football at a target while enjoying the Chargers fan experience during Chargers training camp at the Jack Hammett Sports Complex in Costa Mesa, CA on Tuesday, August 8, 2017. Ramos was there supporting her boyfriend who a major Chargers fan.
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Summer draw results: 1st Avril Ryan, 2nd Ross Keogh, 3rd Brian Walsh, 4th Anne Kirwan, 5th Lar Lynch, 6th Paul Daly, 7th Gerard Fay. The Kellogg's C Camp will take place on our pitch from Monday 15th to Friday 19th July from 10am 2.30pm daily for boys and girls aged 6 12 years old. Advanced Camp runs on the same dates and times for 13 year 16 year olds.
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